So I picked up a copy of Domino Magazine the other day while I was standing in line at Whole Foods and was distracted by all the fun things that I don't really need for my house, or can't afford.

Case and point: They featured this amazing mirror by Kikkerland Design that's free standing on two cast pewter duck feet. The magazine lists it solely as Kikkerland Design and RISD/Works. I couldn't find it at the RISD store, but found it at a fun site called mookiegifts! So... I think I might need it for my dresser.
1 Response
  1. llkellner Says:

    Good detective work finding a Kikkerland Duck Mirror by David Dear. RISDworks should have the mirrors soon. (RISDworks shows only RISD grad work - they have amazing things) Interesting note on the Duck Mirror...the feet were molded by a Central Park duck that had passed away c1998.